
Doors ToDo!

$Id: todo.xml,v 1.17 2004/04/03 17:54:28 adamcbuckley Exp $


Implement init commands
Problem: We must invoke the init() commands when the Part starts to play, not before!
> Add eval invocation code (controller)
> Add corba events to list (midifileplayer)


Load and save compositions




Add Exceptions to CommittedDeviceDialog


Add factories to UncommittedDeviceDialog


Implement other timing types in MidiUtil.getPPQ(..)


Opening a MIDI File Player dialog before the corresponding part has started playing shows current settings


If a PartElement is re-matched, it is possible that a previously matched Device will be unavailable for the new booking. The Controller releases the previous booking and matches the DeviceElement to a new Device instance. Design issue: If the Device has been modified using a device client, the new match will device will omit such modificatons.

O Linux release
O Create an applet version. Can we copy the DLLs from the jar file to the cwd?
O Implement HardwareDevice:Musical
This device is the parent of the 2 midifileplayer factories
O Create automatic latency calculator
Possibly using a loopback audio cable.
O SMF to XML studio
Existing SmfToXml: Allow user to select interface, instance names
O Put "event management" or "trade shows" into the WHATIS
O Synchronised blocks for many, many users
(CTRL, midifileplayer, UI)
O Migrate MidiFilePlayerClient to dmidi
O Get an official server port: IANA application form
O License content under Creative Commons
O Slide projector controller
O Graphics player
O WAV/MP3 player (research 'acidized')
O Lights controller
O Add XML view to CommittedDeviceDialog
O Detach controller dialog thread
O Implement Save As... for devices
O Create persistant explorer folders view, which is built up by navigating through different URLs which contain links to Doors XML files.
O Zoom buttons
O Icons in PartLabel
O CTRL-drag copies
O Add tooltips for dialog elements
O Move preferred devices up and down
O Drag pointers
O PartLabel colour
O If the user cancels the 'second' match some devices may still be booked in the schedule
O play() returns device exceptions in XML
O getPartXml returns an array of XML parts in the schedule, so that regestering a UI is faster
O Convert command-line options to a .properties file
O Groups of Controllers
O Input devices
O Save changes to config file on exit. (Would affect just 'latency' at present.)

¯ Win32 installer
¯ Think of better names for: Part, Part.Device, PartXML, Schedule
Part, Device, PartXML -> PartElement, Part.Device -> DeviceElement
¯ Launcher for CTRL, midifileplayer, UI
¯ Switch to project news mechanism (?)
¯ Translate to SWT (?)
¯ Create alien writing backdrop for website
¯ Convert website to XML + XSLT (?)
¯ Boot floppy/CD
¯ SoftSynth midifileplayer
¯ If the config file doesn't specify the latency, then automagically calculate an estimate based on the CPU frequency - it's better than nothing.
¯ Switch from custom Factories to CORBA DII (?)
¯ Switch from int[] to MidiMessage (?)
Ie. our Event class has a reference to a javax.sound.midi.MidiMessage instead of int[] data.
¯ Automatic selection of config file based on MIDI hardware ID